Friday, October 21, 2011

Fernando Guadarrama: ¡El Sabor Original!

Fernando Guadarrama is a young musician from Mexico that is new to composing and very excited for what his future holds. He really knows how to listen and take inspiration away from any song he hears, transforming that influence into something that is uniquely his own. I decided to share his Videogames 8 Bit composition because it is well put together, I haven't featured an 8-bit song yet, and it could easily go into any throwback video game! I interviewed Fernando in Spanish, and I'm leaving the questions that way, but there shouldn't be much difficulty knowing what they are, even if you don't read Spanish. All the answers are in English anyway, so here they are:

1) Habla un poco de tu mismo:
Hi my name is Fernando Guadarrama.. I'm from Cancun, Mexico, am 17 years old, and am currently in high school.
I started to compose music about a year ago. I am still new to music composing.
Compared to other composers, I'm a baby starting to walk :p
All in all, I would like to get very far with my music.
I love many types of music .. especially lively and dynamic music
I love music with many cuts, changes of harmony, rhythms in 7/8 and similar features.
I love to find composers on youtube .. music composers who create unique and different styles from what you hear every day.

2) Cuales programas y equipo te usas para realizar tus composiciones?

Unfortunately I have no good music programs. I compose with the guitar pro,
but soon will compose with other software better than that :D

3) Cuales objetivos quieres lograr con tu musica?

I wish to create a different environment and get wrapped up in another world.
I want my music heard in video games or similar types of media.
I also want to create complex and difficult songs that are musically satisfying to people, even the "doubtfuls."

4) Quien te inspira para crear musica de este tipo?

All the artists I listen to. They all give me ideas and I think up the music from there.
Artists like: Gutrie govan, Koji Kondo, Nobuo Uematsu, Masashi Hamauzu, Guillaume de Machaut, Hanz Simmer, John Williams, Jesper Kyd, Danny Elfman, Yellowjackets, Pat Metheny, David Aguilar, and Many Many others :D

5) Random thoughts:

I mean I love music. I love the satisfaction of being able to listen to good music
and give the best you have!
Everyone has talent .. only thing is to practice and learn and study to refine these virtues.
Greetings and a hug to ALL the composers.

My thoughts on the interview:

Messing with different timings is always fun! And compared to some other composers, you are no child, but a father! Many people love your stuff (I've talked to some of them) and you have a pretty decent following on YouTube. For having such limited equipment, you let your creativity shine through and overcome that problem without a doubt. You definitely have great, unique music. It was hard for me to choose a song to feature because you have solid music of many styles.

As always, for people who record MIDI, I have to recommend Reason, but Cubase is by far the most popular program among everyone I know and have met. I really need to check it out :)

You have a lot of cool and diverse inspirations. I love people that can compose outside of a specific style or box. It's not a bad thing to only do one main thing, but it can be fun to try something new!

Indeed. Everyone does have talent. Combine it with passion and desire to accomplish something, a lot of hard work and patience, and of course, help from people that just know more, and you end up a great musician with no regrets.

For more of Fernando's musical flavor, check out his YouTube channel here.

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