Monday, October 31, 2011

Hamad Arty: Addicted to Music

Hamad Arty is a very artistic composer that simply cannot get enough music. It surrounds him all day and continues on even when he sleeps. Aside from music, he also excels in many other areas that are artistic in nature. Hamad's music is typically experimental and electronic, but he has also recently gotten into the world of remixing songs from popular video games. His Dark Mass composition is the latest original Arty has done. It reminds me of something you would here in a heist movie or some other type of film where a group of perhaps shady people have a plan. This song would play during the montage of seeing the characters begin to put the plan in action (maybe before being caught). All of them must have on sunglasses or a mustache to help protect their identities!

1)Tell us about yourself:

I'm Hamad Arty (Yes, that's my actual last name; not a nickname). 23 year old artist from Kuwait (for anyone who does not know where that is, it's kind of close to Dubai). I'm a business college student and I enjoy writing and composing music as well as drawing, fashion design and amateur photography.

2) What does music mean to you?

To me and to so many people, it is an addiction. I can't go through a day without listening to music. I've felt that addiction ever since childhood. All the other kids didn't care as much about music, but my dad used to feed me with music all the time. Plus in video games, 90% of the excitement was always for the soundtrack and the rest was for the game.

3) What inspires you to create a new song?

Aside from video games, my music is sometimes inspired by my own dreams. In fact, I often dream of pretty weird but catchy tunes. My music is also inspired by surreal art. There's a lot of surreal imagery going on in my head usually and I get quite lost in my own world playing my acoustic guitar; which is my favorite instrument.

4) Who are your musical role models?

Michael Jackson, Wes Borland, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Teddy Riley, Thom Yorke, Sam Endicott.

5) Random thoughts:

Thanks for featuring me on your site, Nate. You're a pretty talented composer yourself and I wish you all the best with your music.

My thoughts on the interview:

Dubai sounds like a good place for that movie scene to take place. Perhaps the characters would have a guy in Dubai, a lady in Miami, two dudes in Brazil, another man in Mexico, and the rest of the team in L.A.

You're into some pretty fun and cool hobbies. I love drawing, fashion design, photography, and more; however, like you, music is the main focus. It is very addicting. I try not to let it consume me and take time to do other things so I don't get frustrated and end up hating music or losing the fun, happy part of it. Video games have some of the best music in the world. It can be so much more intricate than typical album music that is sung by famous people!

Thank you for being interviewed Hamad! For more of his music, visit his YouTube channel here.

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